FAQ: What you might like to know

What should I choose first, Pilates or yoga?

FAQ BraveBodies -- Pilates and yoga in Southampton, Woolston and LowfordIt depends on what you are looking to improve most. BraveBodies runs a beginners yoga class suited to most newbies. Yoga will help you de-stress, open up and become more supple while also building strength and stamina. But if you want a fast track to building core stability and are somewhat limited in the flexibility department, then Pilates classes may suit you more, at least to begin with. People usually find that they can keep up with a Pilates class a bit better than with yoga because there is less demand on range of movement, and also on balance.

What do I wear?

Wear something comfortable and stretchy but fitted, so that you don’t end up with a T-shirt over your head or your shorts in the wrong place. Avoid any zips, buttons and large pockets, and anything with tight seams. You don’t need any footwear.

Do I just turn up or do I need to book?

You can just come to any class. However, if you are interested in coming to a workshop, you will need to book online. All venues are spacious and there will be room for you. You will be asked to fill out a short form, so please arrive a little earlier to get settled in.

Do I need to bring any equipment?

No, at least not initially. We have mats and other props at each venue. However, it is always welcome when participants bring their own kit, especially a mat. If you have any blocks or bricks, bringing these would be helpful as well.

How do I pay, and how much?

Your first class costs £3, and walk-in classes cost £7. If you become a regular, you can buy a block of 6 classes for £36 and get your last class free. If you come to our Lowford venue and stay for both Pilates on a Tuesday night, the charge for both classes is £10.

You can pay by cash, cheque or bank transfer — it’s entirely up to you.

Are there any men in your classes, or will I be the only bloke there?

Yes! There are plenty of men in our classes, especially in our Pilates class in Lowford and in the advanced vinyasa class on Mondays. You will definitely not be the odd one out. Some classes have more men than women.

I am over 60. Do you think I can take part in your classes?

Yes. We have folks from 13 to 70 and even above. If you are in good overall health, age is no barrier. But please be prepared for the pace of the class to be adjusted to the ability of the majority. I will do my best to modify and help when needed, of course. If you want a more individual approach, you might want to opt for a private session.


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